Thursday, August 9, 2007

Jose Espada

Name: Jose Espada
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Affiliation: Neo Cuba
MS: GF3-066NCB Revolution Gundam
Appearance: Short and unimposing Jose is a pretty unimportant looking. This though is a serious tactical flaw for the enemy because looks don't always matter. Wearing the uniform of a Cuban military officer Jose shed blood and sweat to get his rank, and while the uniform is trim and near his appearance beneath that isn't. He has stubble everywhere and he can always be seen with a nasty Cuban cigar in his mouth. His cold gray eyes also seem to peer into your soul and he tends to laugh at what can break the hearts of others.
History: Jose was born and raised in Havana, Neo Cuba and from an early age was raised in a militaristic fashion. He read the writings of his heroes Fidel Castro and Karl Marx, making him a serious Communist. He also learned some of his tactics from Soviet Union mad man Joseph Stalin. He hates those that show off their wealth and his rag tag Revolution Gundam lets those know that he prefers a hard line but visually unpleasing weapon to a fancy dull one. The pansies can keep their fancy French rapiers when he can draw a pistol and blow them to hell.
Usually found in a bar or smoking in his office Jose is one mean customer whose dream is to spread Communism to the rest of the Earth Sphere by winning the Gundam Fights. And if anyone wants to talk him down he will meet them in the alley and show them how they deal with fools in a military prison.

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