Sunday, March 4, 2007

Akinkawon “Akin” Zeferino d’Santos Bisneto

Created Played and Owned by: Ziryab
Name: Akinkawon “Akin” Zeferino d’Santos Bisneto
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Affiliation: Neo Brazil
MS: GF3-15NB Luta Livre Gundam
The darkly brown eyed, sepia brown complexioned Akin stands over the six foot mark with a lithely muscled body and baritone voice quality with a mellow timbre. A somewhat broad, rounded face with a blunt nose that broadens below the bridge ending in slightly wide nostrils above full lips and squarish jaw. His thin eyebrows curve up to form check marks while there is a small beauty mark (subdermal mole) just under his left eye, on the cheek. His cheekbones are high and slightly broad with deep dimples on the cheeks whenever he smiles. His ebony black hair, reaching down to his collar bone, is twisted into micro-dreads and at times is tied into a bun or ponytail. When not in his mobile fighter outfit, in Brazil’s national colors and mask, he prefers social casual wear and favors bright colors in his dress code.

History: Originally a capoeirista, and later wrestler, in his martial arts career, Akin placed his skills in the martial arts circuit during highschool for the money. Making his way to the prize money at first to aid in his grandmother’s hospital care, later his father’s medical bills and further again to raise money for college tuition and his attempts as a professional musician. Unfortunately these contests, and transportation to reach them, were often sporadic and thus eventually made a steady income in the professional wrestling circuit as a masked wrestler.

Managing to join a musical ensemble he dropped out of the professional wrestling circuit, though made a few appearance every now and then even finally revealing his true identity, he toured the Earthsphere and even began a solo career that has given him national fame and is steadily gaining international acclaim.

When Neo-Brazil publicly announced open candidacy for a new mobile fighter pilot—following the other nations in using more unorthodox pilots—an internet petition by Akin’s fans (music, wrestling and martial arts alike) was filed in encouraging Akin to apply. Surprisingly, more to Akin than to his non-fans, when the dust settled he became the official fighter and representative for Neo-Brazil in the 4th Gundam Fight.

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