Monday, March 5, 2007

Captain Morgan “Red Star” Burke

Created Played and Owned by: Heretic
Name: Captain Morgan “Red Star” Burke
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Affiliation: Corsair State
MS: GF3-00XCS Corsair Gundam
Appearance: Tall, thin and athletic with short red hair and piercing green eyes. She often dresses in red and in public she puts on an eye patch and styles her hair differently in order to play up her pirate persona.
History: Little is known about Captain Burke beyond that she is regarded as the most ruthless pirate Captain in the Corsair state as well as a fearsome Pilot. Considered the most loyal and trusted person in the Corsair State by its leader, the mysteries and reclusive Admiral Dorinkirk. Even then, it is widely known that even she hasn’t met the man in person. However, if she wins the tournament, she has been promised the honour of meeting Admiral Dorinkirk face to face as part of her reward. One other thing that is known about Captain Burke is that she seems to have an obsession with the colour red that goes far beyond what would be considered simply a part of her nickname. No reason for this has been discovered as of yet.

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