Saturday, March 3, 2007

GF3-009NG Gundam Effizienz

Created and owned by: Fritz Ashlyn
Pilot: Dieter Mayers
Model number: GF3-009NG
Code name: Gundam Effizienz
Unit type: mobile fighter
Nationality: Neo Germany
First deployment: FC 16
Accommodation: pilot only, in 360 degree cockpit using Mobile Trace System
Dimensions: head height: 16 meters
Weight: empty 7.8 metric tons; max gross 13.5 metric tons
Construction: gundarium alloy
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor
Fixed armaments: Teutonic heat saber, mounted on back, hand carried in use; trench knife, stored on hip, hand carried in use
Optional hand armaments: MG42 beam machine gun, hand carried in use; “Gundamschreck” large caliber rocket bazooka, hand carried in use
Ultimate attacks: Kraft durch Freude (“KdF”), performed in normal mode, requires high “Freude” levels; Blitzkrieg

Gundam Fight ability points:
Power: normal mode 12.5, blitz mode 7.5
Speed: normal mode 13.5, blitz mode 18.5
Offense: normal mode 13.5, blitz mode 20.5
Defense: normal mode 12.5, blitz mode 12.5
Search: normal mode 13.5, blitz mode 13.5
Adaptability: normal mode 12.5, blitz mode 12.5

Resembles a member of the WWII era Heer clad in black, stahlhelm (with v-fin) and all. Torso and skirt armor are made so they resemble a uniform tunic. ((Think sort of a retro Jin-Roh Panzer Cop))

Explanation of ultimate attacks:

“Kraft durch Freude”: Meaning “Strength through Joy”, this attack can be described in one word: Schuhplattler. Once Dieter amasses enough Freude (shown in the cockpit by a Freude/Kraft indicator), he can convert it to Kraft. The Effizienz, through VW’s masterful engineering, can perform a traditional “shoe slapping” dance around the opponent, more often than not resulting in a flurry of violent punches and slaps to said opponent’s cranial region.

Blitzkrieg: Performed as more of an ability than an attack. When the Effizienz goes into Blitz mode, the Blitzkrieg settings are activated. This raises the unit’s speed and offensive capabilities while lowering the power output. This tends to give the Blitz a “quantity over quality” effect in regards to volume and power of attacks, so Dieter uses the MG-42 more often than not while in Blitz mode.

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